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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/05/2014
AUGUST 5, 2014

Present: Lynn Arnold, Larry Mandell
Absent: Michael Kennedy
Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM


MOTION 08052014-1: To accept the minutes as presented for the July 15, 2014 meeting.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
Discussion: None
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent

MOTION 08052014-2: To accept the minutes as presented for the July 1, 2014 meeting.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold
Discussion: The meeting minutes were missing some important details and both Mandell and Arnold felt it would make more sense to make the changes after the meeting and approve them at the following meeting.
VOTE: TWO opposed, Kennedy absent

MOTION 08052014-3: To postpone approving the minutes for the July 1, 2014 meeting.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold
Discussion: None
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent





Seaboard Solar

In October 2013 the Board signed a contract on behalf of the Town with Seaboard Solar for Net Metering Credits.  At the time the there was a finite amount of credits and the credits ran out before Holland could participate.  Recently the Governor has renewed the Net Metering Credit program and Seaboard Solar has issued the town a new contract that does not reflect the favorable terms that the town had negotiated in the first contract.  Since Seaboard Solar is refusing to keep the wording as It was in the first contract, Arnold would like to have the attorneys review the new contract.  Mandell would like to know if a new contract is even necessary.

Vacancy Policy

MOTION 08142014-4: To establish and accept vacancy policy for appointed boards and committees under the Board of Selectmen and vacancies on elected boards.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
A vacancy policy was established which includes boards/committees must post the vacancy for one month, and the vacancy must be posted on the cable channel, on the town web site, on the Clerks boards and the outside kiosk.  Interested individuals must submit letters of interest to the appropriate board.  
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent


Chapter 90-Project Request

Highway Department has submitted a project request form to the Select Board for Stafford Road, Wales Road and Barney Road for road repairs.  

Special Use Permit

MOTION 08052014-5: To approve and sign the 2014 Special Use Permit Application for the Bay State Bass Anglers for the use of the Hamilton reservoir for a fishing derby on August 9, 2015.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Mandell.
Discussion: The time for the derby is 2:00 PM to 10:00.  The fishing club has been notified that after dark, steerage speed is required and the fishing club will abide by the rules of the lake.  
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent
One Day Entertainment License

MOTION 08052014-6: To approve and sign the One Day Entertainment License for the Holland Rod and Gun Club for the Annual Dinner on August 16, 2014.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold
Discussion: Both the Police Chief and the Fire Chief have signed off on the license
VOTE: TWO in Favor, Kennedy absent

Planning Board Appointment

Massachusetts General Law Chapter 41, Section 81A dictates how a “failure to elect” is handled.  Since the Planning Board now has two vacancies, the Board of Selectmen and the Planning both vote to select new members.  Because a quorum would be present for the Planning Board and there would be deliberation and a decision, the Planning Board should have also posted a meeting as required by the Open Meeting Law.  Since the Planning Board did not post the meeting appropriately, the appointment will have to be postponed until a later date.  The Select Board could attend a Planning Board meeting on August 12, 2014 or the Planning Board could come to the next Select Board meeting on August 19, 2014.

MOTION 08052014-7: To postpone the Planning Board appointments until the August 19, 2014 Board of Selectmen meeting so both Boards have appropriate time to post.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
Discussion: Nothing further
VOTE: Two in favor, Kennedy absent
Shore Drive Boat Launch

There has been confusion over the South Side Boat Launch on Shore Drive over whom is allowed to use the launch.  Currently there is a sign located at the launch that reads “Police and Emergency Vehicles Only.”  The launch is a public boat launch and one side is designated for emergency vehicles to park.  To reduce the confusion and the phone calls and complaints the Police Chief has requested the sign to be changed to something less misleading.  
MOTION 08052014-8: To have the sign changed on the Shore Road boat launch to read “Parking for Police and Emergency Vehicles Only.”  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
Discussion: Highway Surveyor will be told a new sign needs to be made and installed.  He also needs to be informed the brush needs to be trimmed back around the boat launch.  
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) Alternate Commissioner

PVPC is asking the Board of Selectman to appoint an Alternate Commissioner.  The Planning Board is responsible for selecting the Commissioner to PVPV and selected Dori Ference.  
MOTION 08152014-9: To appoint Lynn Arnold as the Alternate Commissioner.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
Discussion: Arnold also added PVOC has asked her to sit on the Executive Board which will be benefical to the town, since she will be a representative for the small towns in the region.  
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent

Flooring Quotes

At the Annual Town Meeting the town approved $10,000 to be spent on replacing the floors in the Town Hall.  Three quotes were obtained for the work.  Mandell, whom is the Procurement Officer, stated he would feel more comfortable if all three quotes reflected all the same work.  Some quotes included carpeting, some did not and on did not include disposal.  He felt there was not enough information to make a decision and would like to hold off the decision until the next meeting to allow the three bidders to update their quotes.  No further quotes will be accepted.  

Police Details

Discussion: Arnold stated that there is no policy for police details and billing for the cruiser.  Currently the town charges the detail rate, along with a ten percent administrative fee to cover the Treasurers time.  Other towns including Sturbridge charge and additional ten percent when a cruiser is requested for a police detail.  She is suggesting Holland follows Sturbridge and charges the additional ten percent when the cruiser is requested.  Mandell asked if this topic had been discussed with the Police Chief, Arnold stated she had not.  
MOTION 08152014-10: To implement a policy for the Police Department to charge a ten percent cruiser fee when a cruiser is requested for a detail.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
Further Discussion: Mandell would like to speak with Chief Haughey, and the policy may need to be revisited.  
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent

Emergency Lighting

Discussion: Currently no emergency lighting for the Town Hall is functional.  The option to get working emergency lighting is purchase emergency lights on exits signs or a generator to power the building.  Arnold had spoken with the Building Inspector and determined currently purchasing the lighting on the exits signs would be the appropriate choice.   Generator for the building would be something for next year’s budget.   The Building Inspector received a quote from a licensed electrician to purchase the lights and install for $3,000.  
MOTION 08152014-11: To purchase emergency lighting and have them installed by a licensed electrician in the Town Hall for an amount up to $3,000.  Motion made by Mandell, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent


Code Red will be doing the ALL CALL to Holland residents on August 12 2014.  Code Red is the emergency system that has replaced Reverse 911.

Tri town meeting in Brimfield August 25, 2014 8:00 PM

Basketball/tennis courts being resurfaced next August 6, 2014.  Courts will be closed.


Warrants in the amounts of $65,844.09– Payroll 24,268.14– Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 08152014-12: To adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary